Stamp Swap

Stamp Swap is a game where we collect stamps, exchange them and then brag about our collection to our friends. So like our board game hobby only without the exchange. Because I don’t like to play those kinds of games.
Time to start collecting
Our collection will consist of stamps, specialists who provide us with special abilities and exhibitors who give us extra points during the show. The stamps have a theme, colour, size and some will even be damaged. Once we have this information with us then we can move on to hoarding.

We will start all the fun by drafting items for our collection. Each of us will take 1 element from the pool starting with the first player. When everyone has collected 6 items each, we move on to the next phase.
This is also where the first twist of the game comes in. The available stamp pool will be determined by event cards. These cards also introduce special rules that will apply during the draft. These can be the addition of more items, sometimes they will provide us with extra points and generally other awesome things. It’s a nice variety, and that’s not the end of the highlights. Because our specialists will already provide us with special skills at the time of the pick-up, which subtly change the rules of the game.
Divide and reserve
Of all the elements collected, we can reserve 1 item. No one will take it from us. The rest we have to divide into 2 piles. This is where Stamp Swap’s second twist comes in. Because now we will exchange everything.

Once we have divided our collected goodies into 2 piles then, starting with the first player, he will be the first to choose which pile he will take from someone else. The remaining stack will go back to the owner. Then that chosen player takes something from someone else and so on. Each of us will have something from someone else and some of the things we have painstakingly drafted for ourselves.
I love this phase of the game. Because during it we will try to arrange our items in such a way that someone doesn’t take what we really need. This is what the fun of the game is all about. It’s also accompanied by quite a bit of stress. Particularly when there is silence between us and we just look with pleading eyes so that someone doesn’t steal something from us. This is why we often try to discuss and convince the players of the ‘right choices’.

This is also where the twist with the covered stamps comes in. Because some of the stamps in the pool will be hidden and we can only get a glimpse of them when we choose them during the draft. This is why dividing the whole pool is very important. Because sometimes, for example, we put 1 covered stamp and in the other pile we throw the rest hoping that this cat in the bag might catch someone’s attention. The best situations are when it was a ZONK providing minus points. A salvo of laughter and mischief guaranteed.
Once we’ve done all these exchanges then we move on to arranging. Where we place what depends on the scoring cards so I’ll get straight to the next segment of the show.

During the exhibition we will score our personal exhibitors that we have collected. Everyone will start with one printed on their board so we have that slight asymmetry. In addition to this we will place our coupon on 1 of the 4 scoring conditions. Scoring conditions are plentiful which greatly enhances the replayability of Stamp Swap. We can score for colour, theme, position of stamps, groups, alignment etc. This is what I like about this game.
Another twist is that once we put our coupon on some scoring we can’t select it again. This makes it necessary for us to know when to use what, given that we have 3 coupons. For example, if we can score on the theme of stamps, it may be worth choosing this in the last round of the game when we have accumulated some stamps.
The final show
Then we go through all these phases 2 more times and we are ready for the final. Then we compare who had the most eternal stamps and we also get a score for the final show. Something to keep in mind at the beginning of the game. We didn’t forget that at all. Hmm…

Strange flow
We have some collecting, we have twists and we have exchanges. Because of all these elements, the game has a bit of that strange flow. It’s like we’re riding a rollercoaster. One time it’s a slow ascent, and then it’s fast downhill and into the next round. Not that it bothers me somehow, but I wanted to mention it. Especially as the gameplay can be quite fast. Almost like a filler game.
Quality and components
Overall, the quality is good. The illustrations on the stamps are cool and the stamps themselves store in a convenient tray. There is nothing to complain about.
Stamp Swap is a typical game where we have to arrange something next to something to score points for it. However, it stands out with these interesting twists that make the gameplay quite interesting. Particularly the dividing into piles. Because it introduces that nervous anticipation of whether someone is going to take away something we’ve so carefully drafted for ourselves. On top of that, we still have a lot of scoring conditions and even this initial asymmetry on the player boards makes itself felt.
Although, as far as the number of players is concerned, I prefer it as a game for at least 3 stamp maniacs. Because then the draft and the choice of stacks is just more interesting and can mess up our plans more.. What’s also cool is that Stamp Swap fits perfectly in our board game club.
Final verdict: A significantly fun game for lighter gaming.
- Several twists
- Collecting stamps
- Stressful exchange
- Many conditions for earning points
- Convenient insert for stamps
- Another point salad
- Rollecoaster flow of gameplay
- Why does the cute Cavalier give minus points?
[Game provided by Phalanx Games]